SOS 1.0 – Simuleringsstödd optimering av servicekedjor inom specialist-, primär- och hemsjukvård

The project focuses on describing and simulating care chains that include primary care, specialist care and home health care. The goal is to optimize these care chains by taking into account factors such as lead times, costs and care quality.

The purpose of the project is to develop routines and working methods to follow a patient's path through the care apparatus and carry out impact analyzes of changes in the patient's care chain using available simulation tools. The goal is to describe and simulate care chains that include primary care, specialist care and home health care, and to optimize these with regard to factors such as lead times, costs and care quality. The project will focus on a number of specific patient groups with high healthcare consumption and work to improve care for these groups.


Regional Council of Ostrobothnia (FI), Region Västerbotten (SE), County Council of Västerbotten (SE), Kust-Österbottens samkommun för social- och primärvård K5 (FI), Vaasa Hospital District (FI), Jönköping University School of Engineering (SE), Umeå University (SE)


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