Programme organization

The administration of the Botnia-Atlantica programme includes a number of bodies responsible for different tasks. Short summaries of the roles of the bodies and persons included in them are given below.

Programorganisation ENG


Managing Authority

The Managing Authority is located at the County Administrative Board of Västerbotten. The Managing Authority is responsible for efficient and correct administration and implementation of the programme. Project grant decisions are made by the Managing Authority based on the prioritizations of the Steering Committee. The Programme director and programme controllers work at the Managing Authority.

Joint Technical Secretariat

The secretariat prepares project applications for prioritization by the Steering Committee and grant decision by the Managing Authority. The secretariat informs about the financing possibilities of the progamme and supports projects from application to implementation. The secretariat is also located in Umeå at the County Administrative Board of Västerbotten and has a local office at the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia in Vaasa. The Norwegian part of the projects is handled at Nordland County Council in Bodø.

Monitoring Committee and Steering Committee

The Monitoring Committee of the programme ensures together with the Managing Authority that the programme is implemented efficiently and to a high quality. The Monitoring Committee includes representatives of central and regional administrations, business organizations and other relevant organizations. The Steering Committee is composed of a selection of Monitoring Committee members and the main task of the Steering Committee is to prioritize selection of projects.

Contact points

There are designated contact points in each of the regions taking part in the programme. The task of the contact points is to inform about the Botnia-Atlantica programme in their respective regions. The contact points can be found at local and regional authorities and they cooperate with the Managing Authority and secretariat to reach stakeholders in the programme area. The contact points can also support stakeholders from their own region in finding contacts to other regions or by aiding in the planning phase of projects.

First Level Control

The role of the first level control is to verify the legality and eligibility of the costs reported by the projects. In Sweden the control system is centralized meaning that the control is performed by an appointed authority, the County Administrative Board of Västerbotten. The decentralized system in Finland means that each project partner procures an auditor which is approved by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. In Norway the audit is performed by Nordland County Council.

Audit Authority

The Swedish National Financial Management Authority audits the programme and is responsible for audits on projects as well as the administration and control systems of the programme.

Updated on 05.08.2016, at 13.37, .