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Nordic Innovation Center for Physical Activity and Health

The purpose of the project was to create a cross-border, virtual competence center in physical activity that would bring together actors from academia, associations, business and the public sector in the Kvarken region. The center would be a platform for

The purpose of the project was to create a cross-border, virtual competence center in physical activity that would bring together actors from academia, associations, business and the public sector in the Kvarken region. The center would focus on innovation and development to meet one of the greatest societal challenges of our time: an aging and inactive population. By promoting increased innovation, business establishment and public health based on technological solutions as well as evidence-based research and treatment, the project could contribute to turning the challenge into something positive for the region.


Regionförbundet Västerbottens län (SE), Regional Council of Ostrobothnia (FI), County Council of Västerbotten (SE),University of Umeå (SE), Kuortaneen Urheliuopistosäätiö (FI), Folkhälsan Utbildning Ab (FI)

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