AnimalSense - A competence center for animal sensor technology
By establishing a competence center in the area of farming technology, the project connected researchers within technology and animal science as well as ICT companies to create new tools to improve efficiency in the farming and reindeer herding sector.
By establishing a competence center in the area of farming technology and connecting researchers from both animal science, technical research, farmers, reindeer herders and companies from the ICT sector to this competence center the project provided new tools to improve the efficiency and quality of the farming and reindeer herding sector within the Botnia-Atlantica region.
The competence center worked on three specific cases during the project period where strong collaboration can be built on. These cases are positioning and activity monitoring technology for cattle in loose houses, positioning and monitoring system for grazing animals, and reindeer warning system to reduce number of reindeer killed on road and railway.
County Administrative Board of Västerbotten (SE), Umeå University (SE), Nordland fylkeskommune (NO), Regional Council of Ostrobothnia (FI), Centria University of Applied Sciences (FI), Fylkesman i Nordland (NO), Sametinget (NO), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SE), Saltfjellet ogIldgruben reinbeitesdistrikt (NO), Svenska Samernas Riksförbund (SE), ProAgria Central Ostrobothnia (FI), Biocontrol AS (NO), Telespor AS (NO)