
Nordic Nature Health Hub

Projektets huvudsakliga mål är att synliggöra och utveckla regionens natur- och kulturarv med en ny typ av besöksnäring där framför allt naturen används som ett medel för att öka människans hälsa. Natur och kultur ska göras mer lättillgänglig för fler män

The overall aim of the project is to respond to the growing demand on new health promoting nature products. This is done through an established Nordic virtual toolkit, Nordic Nature Health Hub, for nature entrepreneurs. The toolkit contains easy access and easily understandable validated knowledge on nature and its health effects and new tools (map, interactive application, handbook and courses) for nature entrepreneurs. Established and new entrepreneurs are able to develop new health promoting products and services in nature settings with the gained competence from the Hub. The aim is that nature entrepreneurs do not only use nature and culture heritage in their activities but also take care of nature and are ambassadors for ecological and sociocultural sustainability.

Expected results are that nature entrepreneurs that use the tools from the Hub's toolkit actively use the knowledge of nature¿s health promoting effects in their marketing and the tools to develop new high standard health promoting and competitive products for the market. Nature entrepreneurs take care that the products are of high quality and sustainable (ecologically, socially, and culturally). New enterprises are expected to be established during the project period. Future aim is that the Nordic program area is known for its health promoting nature, high quality nature products, ethically responsible nature entrepreneurs and is an attractive destination for international visitors.

The toolkit is open for all and also private visitors have the possibility to gain new knowledge and tools for sustainable use of nature and its health effects. SLU will be responsible for the maintenance and updating of the Nordic Nature Health Hub after the project ends.


BA affisch Nordic Nature Health Hub 3


Österbottens förbund (FI), Naturresursinstitutet LUKE (FI), Centria yrkeshögskola (FI), Ab Kristinestads näringslivscentral (FI), Vasa universitet (FI), Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SE), Västerbottens läns landsting (SE), Länsstyrelsen Västerbotten (SE), Hushållningssällskapet i Västerbotten (SE)

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