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Kulturspår i landskapet – en resurs i skolan

The project promotes sustainable utilization of cultural traces by increasing the knowledge about cultural traces among teachers and pupils and by developing methods of using traces as a resource in schools.

Project description

The project works to protect and preserve historical traces in the landscape through increasing the knowledge among teachers and their pupils, the coming generation and the future users of the historical traces. The increased knowledge leads to increased sustainable use of the historical traces and with increased knowledge there will be a lessened risk of historical traces being destroyed by mistake. Through border-regional cooperation the project partners will develop methods of using historical traces as a resource in teaching in different subjects.


Swedish Forest Agency (SE), Nordland fylkeskommune (NO), Västerbottens museum (SE), County Administrative Board of Västerbotten (SE), Nord University (NO), Helgeland Museum (NO), Polarsirkelen friluftsråd (NO), Statskog SF (NO)

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