Cirkulär plastekonomi i MidtSkandia

The pilot study shall make it easy to start a project, and make it possible to work with efficiency.
The pilot study shall make it easy to start such a project, and make it possible to work with efficiency.
1. Identify the sources and flows of plastic in the BA-area
2. Browse the competence as well as academic forefront regarding plastic pollution, especially in the BA-area
3. Produce a model to break the flow from sources to the nature
4. Produce materials and concepts to inform and educate about how to break the flow form sources to nature
5. Contribute to the impementation of the environmental strategy of Nordiska Ministerrådet in the BA-area
6. Incorporate environmental objectoves form national as well as international institutions in the model mentioned under 2. above
7. Contribute to the development and ebnhancement of plastic recycling, also commercialkly, as a result of the project

The reason that the project is so important is the non existing borders for pollution. If the present order is allowed to continue, the globas seas will have more plastic than fish in them in 2050. The pilot, and of course the main project, is aimed at breaking this development.


Mittskandia, Rana Utviklingsselskap (NO)

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