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NP-balans – Växtbehovsanpassande gödselmedel från biogasanläggningar

The project increased competence regarding processing and use of the rot residue generated during biogas production. By adjusting the nutrient content of the digestate to suit its use as a fertilizer, the value and efficiency of the fertilizer could be im

Project description

The aim of the project was to increase the region's knowledge and competence regarding processing and use of the digestate generated during biogas production. By balancing and adjusting the nutrient content of the digestate to suit its use as a fertilizer, the value and efficiency of the fertilizer increased. The project resulted in the development of tools that could control and optimize the nutritional balance between phosphorus and nitrogen in the digestate, both during and after biogas production. This resulted in two new products for the biogas producers: a digestate with a nutrient content that was adapted for use in agriculture or forestry, and recovered phosphorus that could be sold as fertilizer or used as a raw material in the commercial fertilizer industry. By providing these tools and products, the project contributed to increased sustainability and resource efficiency in biogas production in the region.


Regional Council of Ostrobothnia (FI), Region Västerbotten (SE), Novia University of Applied Sciences (FI), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SE)

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